Sabinsa’s Curcumin C3 Complex® and Aspirin Combination Researched in Groundbreaking Colorectal Cancer Study
In an extensive efficacy and mechanistic study using transcriptomic analysis using RNA-seq published in the leading journal Biochemical Pharmacology (Volume 135, 1 July 2017, Pages 22-34), researchers provided the first evidence of chemopreventive effect…

Sami-Sabinsa group opens 2nd continuous extraction facility to meet demand for Curcumin C3 Complex® and other extracts
Sabinsa’s parent company Sami Labs, which manufactures and markets phytonutrients and standardized herbal extracts, specialty fine chemicals, and organic intermediates used in the nutritional, pharmaceutical and food industries…

Sabinsa to launch Promond™ almond protein powder, give away new BioPerine® book at Supplyside West
Sabinsa Corporation will launch PromondTM, the company’s first protein powder ingredient, at SupplySide West, September 27-28, 2017, Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, NV…

Sabinsa granted US patent for synbiotic composition of LactoSpore® shelf stable probiotic and cranberry fibers
Sabinsa has been granted a US patent on the company’s shelf stable probiotic LactoSpore® in combination with cranberry seed fibers. The granted patent (US9717766) discloses a method of increasing the viable colony count…

New patents granted to Sabinsa’s cosmetics division in US and EU
Sabinsa Cosmetics, a division of the Sami Labs – Sabinsa Group, has been granted two new patents on novel cosmetic compositions, both developed from extensive research on combinations of the companies branded ingredients…

Sabinsa publishes scientific compendium on BioPerine® black pepper extract
Sabinsa has just published a book on the company’s patented black pepper extract, BioPerine®, which is widely used to enhance the bioavailability of other nutrients as well as for its thermo-nutrient properties…

Shaheen Majeed named Sabinsa President worldwide
Shaheen Majeed has been promoted to President of Sabinsa Worldwide, with responsibility for manufacturing, marketing, strategies and other operational matters…

Sabinsa successfully protects its Curcumin C3 Reduct® technology
Sabinsa Corporation announced today that it has successfully concluded its Patent Infringement lawsuit against Aegle Bios, Inc. A Final Consent Judgment was filed in the United States District Court in New Jersey on June 23, 2017…

Sabinsa’s Curcumin C3 Complex® with BioPerine® shows protective role in lipid profile modification in type 2 diabetes in published study
A pivotal study that further consolidates the ameliorating role that Sabinsa’s C3 Complex®/BioPerine® combination plays in the context of diabetes has just been published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine Panahi et al 33(2017)1-5…

German trade court decides in Sabinsa’s favor in lawsuit against german based competitor for theft of proprietary information
The Trade Court in Frankfurt, Germany has decided in favor of Sabinsa Europe GmbH in a lawsuit against its German based competitor (Defendant) for theft of proprietary customer lists, technical information and other data…

Sabinsa takes action against Biotikon for synthetic curcumin adulteration
Sabinsa has taken legal action against a German company, Biotikon Produkte der Komplementärmedizin, Herr Dr. Alexander Michalzik, Buchklinger Weg 17, 69517 Gorxheimertal, Germany, for selling curcumin supplements…

Court orders olive lifesciences to pay sabinsa $2.2 million for willfull infringement
Sabinsa Corporation, the world leader in Curcumin for the dietary supplements industry, has prevailed on all counts in its long-running patent-infringement lawsuit against Olive Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd.,…

Sabinsa’s VP scientific affairs Dr. Pande featured in probiotics podcast providing details on LactoSpore®
Sabinsa’s Vice President of Scientific Affairs Anurag Pande Ph.D. was interviewed in depth on probiotics for a Natural Products Insider podcast. Dr. Pande explained Sabinsa’s shelf-stable probiotic LactoSpore®…

Sabinsa granted US patent on LactoSpore® for IBS
Sabinsa has been granted a US patent on the company’s shelf-stable probiotic LactoSpore® (Bacillus coagulans MTCC 5856) for its use for therapeutic management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)…

Sabinsa’s Curcumin C3 Complex® studied for antioxidant effect in diabetes patients
A study on Sabinsa’s Curcumin C3 Complex® and BioPerine® in combination has been recently published in Inflammopharmacology (DOI 10.1007/s10787-016-0301-4)…

Sabinsa's DigeZyme® shows benefit for delayed onset muscle soreness in published study
Sabinsa's multi-enzyme complex DigeZyme®, a proprietary blend of non-animal sourced enzymes, was shown to have the potential for more rapid recovery from Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) in a study published in Sports Nutrition and Therapy…